уторак, 12. јануар 2016.

Plenary Lecturers at the IMKSM 2016 Conference

CV JC Bazen
Jacob Cornelis Bazen, Lecturer of Entrepreneurship and International economics for the school of Business Engineering & Entrepreneurship of Saxion University of Applied Sciences, Enschede, Netherlands. Additional details about professor Bazen are available at following link: CV JC Bazen PL Professor Bazen will speak on the topic:  Enriching University – Business relationships: International practical student projects as method for modernizing education & building relations. Abstract of the lecture is available here: Abstract - IMKSM2016 Pl
michelberger_1Pal Michelberger, Professor at Keleti Faculty of Business and Management Óbuda University, Budapest, Hungary. Additional details about professor Michelberger are available at following link: CV Michelberger PL Professor Michelberger will speak on the topic: Business process security and continuity.

More detils at: http://mksm.sjm06.com/

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